Revenue distribution

Treasury’s revenues and fees earned from yield and reward will be distributed to shareholders.

Treasury’s revenues and fees earned from yield and reward will be distributed to shareholders.

Yields Distribution

Yields are generated from our treasury assets in trading or yield strategies. This includes the Treasury Council's management of the liquidity positions in PRIME, ETH and its yield positions.

Refer to a detailed breakdown of our Treasury value here

Fees earned from yield distribution are broken down as follows:

  • 37.5% of fees will be used to fund DAO's operational expenses

  • 37.5% of fees will be allocated for PDT buy back and burn

  • 25% of fees will be reinvested back to the treasury for development funding

The Treasury Council employs a weekly buyback and burn strategy to provide regular liquidity for the PDT/ETH pair.

Read more in details on our current yield strategies on PDIP-19

Rewards Distribution

  • 90% of rewards will be allocated to staking pool

  • 10% supplied to Treasury Hard Cap

Rewards distribution split:

Rewards arising from protocol interactions, such as player rakes and gaming events in Parallel, are distributed back to shareholders. Stakers will earn $PRIME and other tokens, such as $PROMPT, through airdrops, claims and player rake returns. In addition, future fees generated from our ParagonsDAO’s offering (i.e., Paragons Alliance) will be redistributed.

Last updated


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