Last updated: 31 May 2024.


How do I search for specific assets on Priming?

You can easily type the asset or card you would like to search for in the search bar.

For a video guide, please check out How to Search for Assets on Priming

How to analyze my assets across multiple wallets on Priming?

You can add multiple wallet addresses on Priming. To add multiple wallet addresses to your Priming account, click on Settings > Security > Wallets. Click on “Add Wallet” to add additional wallets.

Afterwards, you can head over to Portfolio to see an aggregated view of your wallet assets and value. See guide on Portfolio View.


What is Sleeves's smart contract address?

You can review the smart contract here.

Which Parallel sets and cards are supported on Sleeves

Sleeves accepts Parallel Alpha cards as they receive ongoing emissions perpetually. Parallel Planetfall sets are not supported as they do not contribute to Paraset emissions.

I want to withdraw a card I have Sleeved and Cached.

You can withdraw a card you have Sleeved and Cached by heading to Sleeves dashboard.

  • Select and open the set, where the particular card is Sleeved and/or Cached.

  • Toggle to Withdraw and click ‘Unsleeve’.

Would I be able to use my Sleeved card to play in-game?

Presently, Sleeved cards are not playable in-game on Parallel.

We are working closely with the Parallel team to implement an upcoming feature where you’ll be able to play with your Sleeved cards like they’re still in your wallet, ensuring you can still earn PRIME and Renown.


Will you be supporting other games in the future?

Yes, Priming is created with the goals of becoming the top asset management platform for gamers.

Presently, we support data from Parallel TCG and we are looking to incorporate more premier games in our eco-system.

Last updated